Last update: October 6, 2020

⬇️ Go to resources (skip the intro and go straight below).

Hey there, just a heads up, I've created my own machine learning course as a way to answer the question, "I want to learn machine learning, where do I start?". It's the machine learning course, I would've liked to have had when I started.

Complete Machine Learning and Data Science Bootcamp [2020]

The original version of this page is below (it's all still relevant).

Table of Contents


One of the questions I get most often is: "What are your favourite data science/machine learning resources?" This page is dedicated to answering that.

It's a collection of some of the best machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and data science resources, courses and tutorials on the internet I've collected through my self-created AI Masters Degree.

*It is by no means an exhaustive list. It is maintained by Daniel Bourke (me), so many of the resources are ones I've personally used and found value from.

If you're new to AI, data science or machine learning, it's probably best to start with resources tagged with the beginner tag and then moving to the advanced. And if you've never learned Python, start by learning Python for a couple of months, then get into the specifics of machine learning, data science and AI.

My style of learning is as practical as possible.

I prefer to start building things as soon as I can. So I always recommend to use these resources as a foundation but don't treat them as the be all and end all. Learn a few things and then get started building your own machine learning or data science projects.

I have an interest in the crossover of health and technology, so there will be healthtech related resources. If you feel something should be added, have any questions or find a mistake feel free to reach out.

If you want a few more helpful tips to start learning machine learning, read the article Thinking of Self-Studying Machine Learning? Remind yourself of these 6 things or watch the video version:
